The Didcot Powerhouse Fund

The Didcot Powerhouse Fund


Raised so far

  • About

The Didcot Powerhouse Fund

The Didcot Powerhouse Fund was set up by local volunteers to help tackle inequality and deprivation within Greater Didcot and the surrounding villages. The Fund launched  in November 2021 and has already made 35 grants to local charities and community groups, totalling £175,000. Over 90% of the beneficiaries of any Powerhouse grant must live in the Powerhouse area.

Didcot has pockets of poverty that fall in the lowest 10% ranking of the Index of Multiple Deprivation in England, whilst adjoining neighbourhoods feature in the top 20%, highlighting the disparity. Charities on the ground are working hard to address this, but additional financial and practical support is urgently needed to help with levelling up.

Together we want to ensure Didcot becomes a more inclusive and sustainable community and The Didcot Powerhouse Fund aims to accelerate this by attracting funding from a wide range of sources, from corporate donations, to individual giving and community fundraising.


The Fund is hosted by Oxfordshire Community Foundation (OCF), Charitable Incorporated Organisation no. 1151621 (England & Wales), held by Didcot First, and still run by volunteers.


If you are kindly making a corporate or larger donation then please donate here and more of your donation will reach the charities.


The local community will really appreciate your donation, thank you!